The Department of Social Mission
“As long as you did it to the least of my brethren you did it to me” (Mt.25:40)
MSJ Social mission is what Jesus was doing in the world. Jesus announces His mission to “Proclaim the Good News” to the poor. Jesus was so committed to His Mission; Jesus always speaks the truth and walks the talk. Jesus is motivated by his compassionate love towards the humanity. “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD” (Luke: 4:18). Today, Jesus calls us to get out of the comfort zones to join Him to be co-workers with him to proclaim the Good News and build the Kingdom of God! Religious life in the present world challenges us more than ever in the past with a deep passion for Christ and compassion for humanity in order to promote / protect and preserve life as Jesus said, “I have come that they have life, life in all its fullness” (Jn: 10:10).
The Church Documents emphasizes the preaching of the Gospel would be incomplete if it did not take into account human rights and themes of the family life in society, peace, justice and development (Evangellii Nuntiandi 1975) and stresses the dignity of the human person and the ideal of the preferential love for the poor for justice and transformation of society (Church in Asia 1999). The Encyclicals ‘Christianity and Social Progress’ (Mater et Magistra 1961) and ‘Peace on Earth’ (Peace in Terris 1963) called on committed Christians and all people of good will to work together to create local, national and global institutions which would both respect human dignity and promote justice and peace.
As Jesus announces his mission as ‘to proclaim the good news to the poor’ St. Paul declares it - ‘they (Apostle Peter and James) asked only one thing that we remember the poor...’ (Gal: 2:10). Our beloved founder father Servant of God Joseph Panjikaran (1888-1949) was a zealous visionary and a social reformer. He contemplated the merciful love of God and he drew spiritual power and strength from the words of Jesus, “As long as you did it to the least of my brethren you did it to me” (Mt: 25:40). An inner call which was totally evangelical and divinely inspired compelled him to serve the poor, the sick and marginalized with the compassionate love of Christ the divine healer. MSJ Congregation is the response of our founder to his inner call. The Charism of MSJ - ‘through the body to the soul’- is the glorious gift of bringing them to experience the kingdom of God through the healing ministry that we received from our founder (MSJ Cont.Art.5).
Time has changed we live in a global and planetary world we feel closer to one another, bound together by instant communication technology and worldwide social network on one side while on the other the world is ever more deeply divided - our world is crucified because of numerous indicators of wars, global pandemic, natural calamities, addictions, illnesses, communal violence, terrorism, death etc. The world is ‘Together - Apart’. In this context MSJ social apostolate is very relevant to bring healing and wholeness. Our Charism is compelling as to reach out to the unreached with compassionate love and healing presence – (physical, psychological, social, spiritual etc) among the people in order to experience wellness in life.
In the footsteps of Jesus to touch the humanity with a compassionate heart and bring healing and wholeness through Social Mission
To contribute the best with generosity and joy as angels of consolation, mystic activist and change agent to facilitate healing and wholeness to humanity especially the poor and marginalized through Social Mission
Core Values: we ensure high quality by our passionate commitment to
- Compassionate service
- Motherly patience
- Meekness of disposition
- Affability of character
- Indefatigable toil
- Ceaseless watching over the signs of the time
- Cheerfulness
- Respect for life, dignity of human person
- Justice to the oppressed
- Reconciliation to one another & harmony to the universe
- Excellence in the art and signs of healing
- Preferential option for the poor. In our social activities we manifest these values.
- To facilitate integrated development of the society and wholeness to humanity
- Uplift the status of the poor and oppressed, to provide legal aid
- To promote social action programs where justice is ignored especially of women, children, elderly, marginalized and unorganized
- To undertake conscientization programs
- To promote community based rehabilitation programs
- To provide skill training and promote sustainable income generation programs
- Networking and collaboration with GO and NGOs
- To undertake social welfare institutions and programs
- To promote eco-friendly life style for wholeness
- To equip the individual for disaster management and for crisis intervention
- To undertake training programs for different groups
- To initiate movements against anti social forces
- To act as an informer, facilitator, advocate to disseminate knowledge to fight against injustice and to bring social change
- Establish counselling and guidance centres
- Analyse the signs of the time and get into compassionate action
As per the decisions of the 13th General Synaxis and 10th Provincial Synaxis, the Department of Social Mission implemented the programs and activities based on the Synaxis theme: “Starting Afresh from Christ for the Salvation of Souls”- under the Department of Social Mission (Dharmagiri Nirmal Samagra Seva Trust - DNSST). Sisters are actively involving in social welfare activities and cater for the integral development of the people with zeal for the salvation of souls.
The main activities are as follows: Home care, youth club and Changathikoottam, collaboration with Jesus youth, Jail Ministry, Sarathi auto drivers group, Sahrudhaya women welfare, RAPHA program, home visits, women / child empowerment programs, mental health promotion programs, Schools / Colleges / Community based Counselling and Guidance service, Holistic health promotion programs , School / Community Mental Health Promotion Programs, Trainers training program, Networking with other NGOs, Lay Association to extend social mission activities in different areas, Media Mission (online classes and training programs), Senior citizen’s program as part of Geriatric social work, waste management plant, Kitchen garden / vegetable cultivation in each communities, Social Action and Research on relevant topics.
Social work profession focuses on helping people to help themselves in order to cope up with the challenges of everyday life. MSJ Social Mission inspires us to keep a contemplative outlook on everything and do everything out of love for Jesus. MSJs are called to be a healing presence among the people, be adaptable and flexible and we learn to inculcate professionalism in spirituality. We are called to live an authentic Christian life and called “to share the compassionate love of Jesus to the suffering humanity. “By our works they shall know our master” (FI) is the motto received from our beloved Founder Father Servant of God Joseph Panjikaran. A liminal consecrated person cannot distance herself from serving the deprived and marginalized. For building up an integrated humanity we create communion with all human beings especially with the least, the last and the lost ones. Let our physical presence communicate compassion and consolation to the needy brethren. Let us become Change Agents by transforming from within and influence others and thereby the world at large!
Sr.(Dr.) Liji Jose MSJ
Directress of Social MissionMSJ Nirmala Province Aluva, Ernakulam
Event Gallery

Unnathi - counselling Program @ Bharat Mata College of Legal Studies

Jesus Fraternity- National Meeting

Sarathi- Auto drivers group

Sarathi- Auto drivers group

Sarathi- Auto drivers group

Rehabilitation Centre Kusumagiri