The Department of Formation Mission
“ ...... I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me but I chose you. ” (Jn 15:15b,16)
Religious formation is a transformation process that begins from the moment she responds to the call of compassionate Jesus who emptied Himself on the cross and entered the MSJ congregation, till she meets her Lord in eternity.
Religious formation in the MSJ congregation aims at the integral development of the sister. It is realized through several persons at different stages. This could involve Psycho-socio-sexual- spiritual formation, community engagement, and practical experiences aimed at deepening members' understanding and embodiment of their Charism of sharing compassionate love of Jesus.
The three Maxims, along with the congregation's Motto and Charism, intricately shape the religious formation process:
" As long as you did it to the least of my people, you did it to me " : This maxim becomes a cornerstone in the formation, guiding members to recognize the divine in every act of service, particularly towards the marginalized.
" Through the body to the soul " : This principle underscores the holistic approach in formation, encouraging members to understand that caring for physical needs is a pathway to nurturing the soul and salvation of souls, emphasizing an integrated and comprehensive approach to their mission.
" Thy will be done " : This maxim is woven into the fabric of formation, instilling a sense of surrender and alignment with divine guidance, shaping the mindset and decision-making of those undergoing the religious journey.
Our Motto: "Love serves"
In the context of formation, this motto becomes a constant reminder that love is not just a sentiment but an active force expressed through dedicated service to others, fostering a servant-hearted disposition.
Initial Formation:
The purpose of initial formation is to assist the candidates to respond to God’s call generously and acquire the spirit and Charism of the congregation and attain human and spiritual maturity, which will enable them to take up the responsibilities of religious life and participate in the mission of the Church in accordance with the Charism of the founder.
Stages of Initial formation:- Aspirancy (one year)
- Postulancy (18 months)
- Novitiate (2 years)
Juniorate Formation:
is the period between the temporary profession and the perpetual profession. Having reinforced the covenant made with God, they prepare themselves for their perpetual profession with greater maturity. (Between 6-9 years)
Ongoing Formation:
is intended for all sisters to assist them in integrating spirituality and apostolate with creative fidelity.
Sr. Cicil Therese MSJ
Directress of FormationMSJ Nirmala Province Aluva, Ernakulam