The Department of Healing Mission

Medical Sisters of St.Joseph is a religious congregation for women founded in church whose members strive for self sanctification and sanctification of others through healing ministry and thereby establish the kingdom of God on earth.“As long as you did it to the least of my brethren you did it to me” (Mt.25:40)- A vision got evolved around these words of Jesus, to establish the kingdom of God on earth through healing ministry.

Medical Sisters of St.Joseph is the fruit of the deep God experience of our revered founder father Servant of God,Joseph Panjikaran. His passion for Jesus flew out as compassion to the suffering humanity, specially to the poor and the marginalized to bring about wholeness. Living the evangelical counsels of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty, the members of this congregation have accepted a mode of life that combinesContemplation and Action.

Aim and Scope of the congregation

The sanctification of the members by observance of the rules and the salvation of souls by their good example and by doing efficient medical services, is the aim and scope. Its members show a special liking/aptitude for medical work and fully consecrate their lives to it. They nurse and take care for the sick people in all their forms. They conduct or serve in general and Mental Health centers,dispensaries, maternity wards leper asylums, homes for the epileptics and incurables, homes for the deaf, dumb and blind, mentally defective children, physically deformed, homes for the sick aged, homes for the sick orphans and such medical services in different institutions. Ordinarily, all members get qualified themselves with a government approvedcourses as midwives, as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, Laboratory technology, dentists and/or other disciplines of health care including training centers in such courses.They may also engage in training as Homeopathic doctors, Ayurvedic, Sidha or Unani physicians or any recognized system for treating the sick. Few members are also engaged in training health care professionals in medical field; which include training in pharmacy,nursing and Medical laboratory technology, in institutions owned and managed by MSJs or others.The congregation has its own training centres in Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Technology.

Through the department of Healing Mission, MSJs are consecrated to conform themselves to the merciful and compassionate Christ, who went about doing good (Acts;10,38) and healing every kind of disease and infirmity (Mt. 4;23).The sisters dedicate themselves to make present the merciful love of Christ to all people, especially the sick, the poor and the least of the brethren irrespective of caste and creed, thereby carrying out our mission of proclaiming and bringing about the kingdom of God among them.

Our Vision

To share the compassion of Christ to the suffering humanity to facilitate healing and wholeness.

Our Mission

To be a contemplative in action by joyfully serving the poor and marginalized with compassion to bring about Healing and Wholeness.

Our Motto

Our founder has given 3 maxims

  • Thy Will Be Done
  • As Long as you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it to me
  • Through the body to the soul

The charism,the spirit and the mission of our congregation reflected in the above cited maxims are summed up in “Love Serves”which is accepted as the motto of the congregation.

Core Values in Healing Mission

The Medical Sisters of St. Joseph ensure high quality service by passionate commitment to compassionate service with special emphasis to motherly patience, meekness of disposition, affability of character, indefatigable toil, ceaseless watching over the patient who is Christ to them with cheerful hearts.

  • Respect for Life
  • Justice to the Oppressed and Marginalized
  • Reconciliation to one another and harmony to the universe
  • Excellence in the art and Science of Healing

Centres under the Department of Healing Mission

There are two types of activities under the Healing Mission in Nirmala Province of MSJ

I. Health care institutions

where patients are treated as in/out patients for their physical/mental illness. Each institutions work as per the directions of MSJ constitution and directory and as per the decisions taken by the General/Provincial synaxis decisions.Each institutionhasseparate institutional heads appointed by the Provincial superior. Sisters working in the Hospitals/ Healthcare institutions make sure that the pastoral needs of the stake holders are met.

  • Kusumagiri Mental Health Center, Kusumagiri, Kakkanad, Ernakulam.
  • JeevadharaHomeo Clinic, Thannipuzha, Ernakulam.
  • St. Joseph’s Hospital,Poovathussery, Ernakulam.
  • St.Joseph’s Hospital,Pathanapuram,Kollam.
  • St. George Convent- Homeo Clinic Kurumal, Thrissur.
  • Holy Redeemer Health Centre, Dimapur,Nagaland.
II. Institutions where, Medical Education/Training is provided
  • St. Joseph’s College of Pharmacy, Muttom, Cherthala (Offering Diploma in Pharmacy)
  • St. Joseph’s College of Pharmacy, Dharmagiri College Campus, Naipunnaya Road, Cherthala(offering B.Pharm,Pharm D and M.Pharm courses)

Sr. Elsy MSJ
Directress of Healing Mission
MSJ Nirmala Province, Aluva, Ernakulam