The abbreviated title MSJ is arranged in such a way that 'J' & 'S' come inside 'M'. It reminds the members that like Mother Mary who brought forth Jesus for the world, we must sit at the feet of the Lord and listen to the word of God like Mary of Bethany and interiorize the spirit of the word and engage in selfless service like Martha. The lighted ‘Chiradh’ touching the ‘J’ reminds us that all our services must be initiated from our love for Jesus. By contemplating the face of Jesus i prayer we draw energy to see Jesus in all who comes to receive our service. The cross is the essence of religious life. It is the symbol of total surrender. It is the sign of prayer, Service, redemptive suffering and total self giving.
Following a Lady of Dolours, the co-redeemer with Jesus, we must understand the worth of cross and make all our services and sufferings for the service of the sick along with the pain and afflictions of our patients, redemptive. Lilly reminds us the life example of our heavenly patron St. Joseph. Following St. Joseph who took a main role in the paschal mystery, we must deepen our interior life through a humble and hard working life style. Lilly, the symbol of purity reminds us to lead a life of purity even when we render our service in varied life situations, walk through the roads of the world communicating compassionate presence of Jesus, but the not the world.